Local Rules
Bramcote Waters Golf Club is dedicated to ensuring that all golfers enjoy the course we are so passionate about, and with that in mind ask all golfers to adhere to the below local rules.
18.2 Out of Bounds
Beyond any boundary hedge or fence
Beyond the line of White stakes to the rear of Hole 2/11
Beyond the line of White stakes to the rear of Hole 4/13
The River Anker to the right of the green on Hole 7/16 and left of Hole 8/17
Beyond the line of White stakes to the left of Hole 9/1
17. Penalty Areas
Red Penalty area's Holes 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18
The Red penalty area to the right and rear of the 2nd/11th green extends to the boundary fence
Yellow penalty area Hole 5/13
16.1 Immovable
All man made paths
Fixed sprinkler heads
Telegraph poles
Young trees under 6 feet tall excluding the hedge round the 9th/18th green
16. Model Local Rule E11 Overhead Wires
If a ball strikes a telegraph pole or overhead wire, the stroke shall be cancelled and replayed without any penalty.
1.2 Player Conduct
Players must replace their divots, repair their ball marks on the putting green and rake bunkers after use.
Penalty for breach of this Local Rule 1 stroke